Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Story of a Knight

This poem was written in the Portmanteau style popularised by Lewis Carol.  This style combines two or more words for the neologism of a new one, usually an adjective.

The Story of a Knight

An age past,
A ship’s mast
The Dragicorn did slumbive.

A beautair maiden
Her castle pretongous and laden
Did sigh out her towersill.

A branoursome knight
Armor true and strite
Roamed the citreets for adventure.

In starvation did the Dragicorn search
For scrumdiddlydumptious to devour
Then spied the maiden, fair and nimble
And knew just what to eat.

So took he the lanksome lady
Into his sinistorose den
Out came the shining knight
Sworn to protect his quaint damsel.

His pearly blade, light aquimber
Did never leave his hand
Gallopted he on faithful steed
And won his bride back.

The Dragicorn slain
And peace outlain
They lived in felicity
Till eternity pass’d.

- Ayesha Malik, 2007

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