Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This is a poem I wrote that reflects the Indian mindset towards politics and towards our leaders on Independence Day (August 15th) 2008. It was published in my school's Newsletter (the Vasant Valley Today) of whose Editorial Board I was a member then, and am Chief Editor now.


They say that I can choose
The ones that will
Lead me.
They say that I may
Speak, preach, write, feel
Anything that compels me
They tell me that I have the right
To exist.
To dare.
The freedom is mine
To use how I will, they say.
To bear the guilt
Of unfinished ventures,
Of illegal liaisons;
To accept the responsibility
Of spreading lies,
Of preaching divine hatred;
To shoulder the burden
Of the grime that fills us-
Our streets, our homes, our minds
And our hearts
Without a second thought.
They tell me my freedom is precious
So burn, pilfer and terrorize.
Exercise that right.
They have the freedom to. They can.


I am free.
Free to correct their wrongs.
Free to reject
That which they force on to me.
Free to question.
Widespread opinion is not always the truth.
They gave me the freedom
To be like them.
I’m giving myself the freedom
To prove them wrong.

- Ayesha Malik

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